my family doesn't celebrate christmas anymore (and the only reason we celebrated it at all was because my sister and i are brats who demanded gifts at every possible opportunity (i insist that my sister was way brattier than i am, like does anyone even understand the burden of being a youngest child?? when your older sibling is super responsible and mature on the outside but actually a monster who sells you out when you just want to be a fucking normal person and go to a party??????) shit i've backed myself into a parenthesis hell) BUT i fucking love christmastime in london. i can't even pretend to get indignant about jesus being shoved in my face when i can run around eating roasted chestnuts and stuff. but then christmas is over and it's boxing day and you're left with the sad detritus of your former ecstatic gluttony, and you're like <i>dear god what now?</i>

but at least i have new trainers and an obligatory handmade jumper, so there's that.|